St Matthew's Lutheran School Sau Mau Ping @ MCDH STEMS Day 馬中 STEMS 體驗日
日期: 17/12/2023
What a marvelous time! St. Matthew's Lutheran School Sau Mau Ping joined us at MCDH Memorial College! Most students had a blast participating in the STEMS activities, which included Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Sports. Your smiles have truly made this experience unforgettable!
滿心雀躍!路德會聖馬太學校 (秀茂坪) 與我們一同在馬中度過了美好時光!大部分學生參與了包括科學 (Science)、技術(Technology)、工程 (Engineering)、數學 (Mathematics) 和體育 (Sports) 在內的STEMS體驗活動。你們的笑容真的讓這個經歷變得難以忘懷!
#馬中 #MCDH #香港路德會 #馬陳端喜 #新專頁 #將軍澳 #寶琳 #西貢區 #中學 #將軍澳中學 #西貢區中學 #golf #cricket #STEMS #mcdh_reptile_house #路德會聖馬太學校(秀茂坪) #StMatthewsLutheranSchoolSauMauPing